If you want to teach me to write, first you have to love me. ~AVI

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Eight Days and Reflecting

      I am in awe of this Slice of Life writers who gather together at the Two Writing Teachers blog. Some write throughout the year, but most are here for the March writing challenge. There are 180 plus people participating. It’s a giving community of support and camaraderie all in the name of writing. In spite of a case of increasing sleep deprivation, I am thankful to be a part of the group. I tend to be a late night slicer.
Tonight I am writing during a short break from working on progress reports and hope to post a bit earlier than usual. I am looking forward to more time to read and comment on other blogs, as soon as I catch up on school work.
As I reflect on the first eight days of this journey, I notice that my writing ideas have become more varied, as are the topics of many slicers. We generally write about the things that are closest to our hearts. I love to write about times with special people in my life. But I have great admiration for the people that write about their young children. Oh how I wish I were at this place in my life when my children were a little younger. I loved the early years and have heaps of memories stored in my heart and piles of photo albums to help me remember, but it’s not the same as the written pieces that chronicle the milestones and the minuscule. 
The good news for me is the act of writing and the writing of others is helping me to look closer at the world around me and to be a better listener. I want to notice and wonder, and linger and learn.  


  1. Theresa, thank you for your wonderful comment; as you can see from my post, I so agree! I do agree with your words above too. I have been blogging for a year, started with this challenge last year & have kept going. I've always written but writing a lot makes one look at everything differently. I so wish, like you, that I could have written & captured more of those early years too of my children. So this year I've made up for some of it by doing quite a lot of posting about my grandchildren & usually connecting it to teaching. Nice to meet you!

  2. I too tend to post my comments at the end of the day. I totally understand about trying to fit this in around schoolwork and ending up sleep deprived! I love your closing paragraph and want to share it with my students, especially the words - "I want to notice and wonder, and linger and learn!"

  3. Theresa, I can so relate to the sleep deprivation. As if the writing isn't enough, I can't stop reading the slices either. I love hearing everyone's stories. Many of the slices I read are of people I follow on Twitter or people whose blogs I have been following. It's nice to get to know them. Additionally, I'm meeting many new people along the way.

    Like you, my kids are getting older. I'm enjoying the stories of the young children as they remind me of the times when my own kids were young.

    Good luck with those progress reports.

  4. Ugh, progress reports. I am just beginning to write report cards for the conferences that are beckoning at the end of the month. It's much more fun to read the amazing SOL pieces. I've had so much fun getting glimpses into others lives. I couldn't agree more about how this challenge forces you to slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life.

  5. Glad you are enjoying the SOLC. You are right; it does cause you to notice and slow down. Keep it going.
